VI Chemical Peels in Chicago

Vitality Institute (VI) offers five uniquely formulated VI Peel treatments designed to lift pigment, remove sun damage, alleviate acne and scarring, and fight fine lines and wrinkles.

  • VI Peels are medium-depth chemical peels, meaning they reach both the epidermis and dermis layers of the skin.

  • These peels reach the dermis layer of the skin through the application of ingredients that exfoliate dead skin cells and trigger the body’s natural healing response.

  • This response then stimulates the body’s production of fibroblasts, which increase the production of proteins like collagen and elastin, revealing healthier, newer skin.

  • VI Peels are designed to be safe for all skin types and skin tones.

Which VI Peel is Right for Me?

When it comes to chemical peels, VI offers something for everyone.

Here are the five VI Peels SRM offers:

VI Peel Original

The Essential Peel for Tone & Texture. This peel is great for first-time medium-depth peel clients, clients with sensitive skin, clients experiencing early signs of aging (ages 20+,) rough texture, keratosis pilaris, and/or clients seeking a maintenance peel. *Best if utilized in a series of sessions.*

VI Peel Purify

The Essential Peel for Active Acne & Oily Skin. This peel is great for clients with active acne, breakout-prone skin, oily and congested skin, and/or who are experiencing teen acne. *Best if utilized in a series of sessions.*

VI Peel Advanced

The Essential Peel for Maturing Skin to Help Enhance Collagen Stimulation. This peel is great for clients experiencing aging skin (recommended for ages 40+) and/or who are experiencing wrinkles, fine lines, loss of elasticity, and stretch marks. *Best if utilized in a series of sessions.*

VI Peel Precision Plus

The Essential Peel for Skin Discoloration. This peel is great for clients experiencing UV-induced pigmentation, sun damage, melasma, and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. *Best if utilized in a series of sessions.*

Vi Peel Purify Precision Plus

The Essential Peel for Acne & Acne Scarring (about 25% stronger than the original VI Peel.) This peel is great for clients with excessive oil, acne with hyperpigmentation, acne scarring, hormonal acne, and adult acne. *Best if utilized in a series of sessions.*

See the Results Yourself

Chemical Peels FAQs

  1. Is it safe?

VI Peels are designed to be safe for all skin types and skin tones. However, Medical strength peels, despite their high levels of efficacy and safety, are not free of side effects.

Possible side effects include:

  • Erythema (redness) and edema (swelling) of the treated area can occur but usually subsides within a few hours but can last up to seven days or longer.

  • Irritation, itching, and/or mild burning sensation or pain similar to sunburn may occur within 48 hours of treatment.

  •  Pigmentary changes such as hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation of the skin in the treated areas can occasionally occur. Mostly it is transient, lasting up to 6 months, but in rare cases, it can be permanent. These pigmentary changes may occur despite appropriate protection from the sun, so it is important to use sunscreen of SPF 25 or higher when exposed to the sun.

Complications can include:

  • Whiteheads

  • Cold sores

  • Infection

  • Scarring

  • Numbness

  • Permanent discoloration, particularly in people with darker-colored skin.

2. What areas can be treated?

The VI peel is gentle enough to be used on the face, neck, chest, hands, and back.

3. Will the VI Peel hurt?

The VI Peel is virtually painless and includes the ingredient phenol, which numbs the skin to further prevent pain for the client. However, should you have any concerns, your esthetician will walk you through any potential reactions to the peel.

4. What does the treatment include?

The treatment includes a facial cleanse, application of the peel, and a home care kit. There is also the option to add dermaplaning if you are found to be a good candidate for both.

Dermaplaning is not combined with the VI Peel if the client has never received either service before or will instead be performed separately.

5. Is there any downtime/restriction on my activity after the VI Peel?

Yes, here are some general restrictions to keep in mind post-peel:

Physical Activity / Exercise:

  • Refrain for 72-96 hours after peel application. Inducing excessive perspiration can lead to PIH or blistering

Additional Skincare Treatments:

  • It is recommended to wait for a minimum of 2 weeks before any treatment that creates exfoliation of the skin. (Includes facials, extractions, waxing, and threading)

6. What precautions should be taken before and after the VI Peel?

1 week before receiving a VI Peel

  • Refrain from using prescription retinoids or products that contain alpha or beta hydroxy acids

  • Refrain from waxing, electrolysis, depilatory creams, or laser hair removal

After the VI Peel:


  • For the first two days, your skin will look a little tan, bronzed, or pink. It may also feel a bit tight before the peeling begins.

  • As a rule, treat it like a sunburn: avoid sun exposure, avoid sweating and avoid heat.

  • During the peeling phase, you must avoid sun exposure. Even after the peeling has subsided, your new skin will be sensitive to UV light. Protect your investment and reapply your sunscreen when outdoors.

  • If any products in the post-peel kit sting or irritate beyond your tolerance, reach out to your practitioner for options to use instead.

  • The amount of visible peeling you will experience varies greatly. You will peel as much as your skin needs to peel.

  • Each morning, apply the Post Treatment Repair Cream and SPF 50+ Sunscreen and apply as needed throughout the day. Continue use for the 7-Day peeling process.


  • Function: The towelettes included in your post-peel kit provide additional stimulation of the skin and expedite the peeling process.

  • Use: First towelette should be used 4 hours after your peel has been applied. Subsequent towelettes will be applied at intervals designated in your aftercare booklet. All towelettes should be spaced a minimum of 4 hours apart, and all towelettes should be used in the first 48 hours.

  • Discontinue any unused towelettes if you note any peeling within the first 48 hours.

  • Side effects: Towelettes are not refreshing towelettes. There are active ingredients in these towelettes, and therefore you may note some light stinging upon application. Some people can also experience some itching, especially on night 1, which can be remedied by applying Post Treatment Repair Cream, hydrocortisone cream, or taking an oral antihistamine.


  • Safe products to use during peeling: VI Derm Gentle Purifying Cleanser, Post Treatment Repair Cream, SPF 50+. (From your home, you can also use a gentle cleanser, Aquaphor, and sunscreen.)

  • Days 3, 4, and 5 are the typical days of peeling. By day 6, most exfoliation has subsided.

  • Typically, peeling begins on the third day, starting around the mouth and then peeling outward. The forehead and neck will be the last areas to peel.

  • We recommend cleansing your face prior to showering and keeping your face protected from hot water.

  • When cleansing your face, use your fingertips only. Avoid using washcloths or facial machine brushes during the first week.

  • While the skin is exfoliating, avoid pulling, picking, rubbing, and any premature removal of skin. This could lead to significant irritation and possible hyperpigmentation. Never force or peel the skin off in sheets.

  • When peeling, make sure to keep your body hydrated and your skin moisturized.

  • The Post Treatment Repair Cream may cause slight sensitivity when first applied, but it quickly subsides.

  • If you are excessively dry or irritated when peeling, add a light layer of Aquaphor to provide a protective barrier.

7. How many treatments will I need?

The best results are seen after multiple sessions (3-4) of the VI Peel, though you will see results from 1 peel.

Depending on your skin concerns and conditions, multiple peel sessions can be scheduled 4-6 weeks apart.

8. How does the VI Peel compare with other chemical peels?

The VI Peel is one of the most powerful, pain-free chemical peels on the market, with very little downtime. Before the VI Peel, many medium peels were painful and unsafe for darker skin tones.

9. Who isn’t a candidate for the VI Peel?

Individuals should not receive the VI Peel if they are experiencing any of the following contraindications:

  • Pregnancy

  • Breastfeeding

  • Aspirin Allergy

  • Use of Isotretinoin (Accutane) in the past 6 months.

  • Active cold sores or herpes or shingles in or around the treatment area.

  • Allergy to hydroquinone

  • Immune disorders

  • Phenol allergy

  • Inflamed skin with open wounds in the treatment area.

  • Liver conditions

  • Chemotherapy or radiation in the past 6-12 months

10. How much will the VI Peel cost me?

Pricing for the VI Peel varies based on the type of peel received, the frequency of treatments, and the area being treated.

11. How long will the results last?

The results of the VI peel typically last anywhere from 3-4 months, but with proper aftercare and sun protection, you can expect to see your results last longer.

12. What if something goes wrong?

In the rare event of an emergency, please contact us as soon as possible.

Dr. Aurora, Skinovatio-Ravenswood Manor’s Medical Director, will assist further in any of your treatment needs.