IPL Intense Pulsed Light in Chicago, IL


The Stellar M22 Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Applicator treats over 20 skin conditions.

What it treats:

  • This device reduces acne, rosacea, pigmented, and vascular lesions, as well as reduces age spots

Why the Stellar M22:

  • The Stellar M22 laser has built-in Optimal Pulse Technology, Multiple Sequential Pulsing, and SapphireCool light guides. These features all ensure a safer, more comfortable treatment.

Is IPL Right for Me?

If you suffer from any of the following conditions, IPL may be the perfect solution for you:

  • Benign epidermal pigmented lesions, including - but not limited to - dyschromia, age spots, and other forms of hyperpigmentation

  • Benign cutaneous vascular lesions, including - but not limited to - port wine stains, haemangioma, telangiectasias, rosacea, angiomas, poikiloderma of Civatte, and venous malformation

  • Mild to moderate inflammatory acne

See the Results Yourself


  1. How does IPL work?

IPL is a powerful modular multi-application platform that treats different indications of skin types, ages, and genders. Its ability to use multiple cutting-edge technologies in the same treatment session for outstanding clinical results has this particular platform stand out above all.

2. Is the Stellar M22 device safe?

Yes, the Stellar M22 is a safe and effective treatment for anyone who desires rejuvenated skin.

3. Will this service hurt?

As a patient, you may experience a stinging sensation, although it should not be painful. The device also cools the skin between pulses; this ensures comfort to our patients as well as reduces the risk of damage to the skin.

4. How long does this treatment take?

Each treatment takes 20-45 minutes, depending on the concern being treated and the size of the area.

 5. Are there downtime/any restrictions on my activity after the IPL Stellar M22 service?

As a patient, you should expect a sunburn-like feeling; this includes itching, swelling, or redness that will roughly last around a day or two. You will also notice pigmented areas getting darker (on areas treated), which is a natural part of the healing process. These areas will raise and flake off and reveal the healthy skin beneath. Please allow these areas to fall off naturally.

6. What precautions should be taken before and after the IPL Stellar M22 service?

Avoid any skin irritants your skin, such as products that contain Retin A, retinol, glycolic/salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, astringents, or vitamin C, do not wax; use a depilatory treatment or take antibiotics for at minimum one week prior to treatment.

7. How many treatments will I need?

Most providers recommend a series of treatments, typically spaced between four and six weeks apart, for optimal results.

8. Who isn’t a candidate for IPL?

M22 is contraindicated for patients with active infection, viral, fungal, or bacterial diseases. The use of M22 could cause redness, swelling, scarring, and change in pigmentation. Call SRM for a complete list of contraindications and risks.

9. How long will the results last?

You’ll see some immediate improvement, although three to five sessions are usually recommended. The benefits continue for six months after the last treatment as new collagen and elastin develop.

10. What if something goes wrong?

In the rare event of an emergency, please contact us as soon as possible.

Dr. Aurora, Skinovatio-Ravenswood Manor’s Medical Director, will assist further in any of your treatment needs.