NuEra Tight in Chicago, IL

Face & Body RF Tightening Treatment

Lumenis’ All-in-one Radio Frequency Skin Tightening Machine

This treatment utilizes a high-powered radio frequency to reduce unwanted fat, improve the appearance of cellulite, tighten the skin, and relieve minor muscle aches and pain.

The Ultimate Contouring Service

Fat Reduction

A truly personalized body contouring experience starts with FocalRF technology treating subcutaneous fat on any region of the body easily and effectively. NuEra Tight is even able to remove stubborn fat cells.

Skin Tightening

NuEra Tight automatically elevates and regulates the temperature in the skin tissue to the required degree, stimulating collagen and improving signs of sagging skin and wrinkles. From larger areas of the body to smaller facial areas, FocalRF technology targets the energy penetration to the dermis layer, ensuring safe and effective treatments.

Cellulite Reduction

Powered by FocalRF technology NuEra Tight applies multiple frequencies, two treatment modes, and effective mechanical massage for connective tissue manipulation to remodel cellulite and improve the appearance of bumps and dimpling.

Wrinkle Reduction

With high frequencies and precise temperature control, NuEra Tight is able to stimulate the activity of fibroblasts and enhance blood flow, creating an immediate smoothing effect that will continue to improve as the body’s healing mechanism generates new collagen production.

See the Results Yourself

Skin Tightening FAQs

  1. What does NuEra tight do?

NuEra tight delivers non-invasive Radio Frequency (RF) treatments to improve the appearance of skin laxity and cellulite with no downtime. This advanced RF system delivers powerful heating of the skin’s superficial layers or targeting deep tissue based on your patient’s conditions. NuEraTight controls the depth by using the provided mono-polar or bi-polar handpieces with a variety of electrode sizes. NuEra tight optimizes treatment efficacy on the abdomen, flanks, buttocks, inner and outer thighs, upper arms, bra, and back fat, as well as around the eyes, mouth, cheeks, and neck.

2. What is NuEra tight?

NuEraTight is a revolutionary, non-invasive radio frequency skin smoothing platform suitable for a wide range of body types and areas.

3. Who Is Not a Good Candidate for NuEra Tight

Individuals with the following are not candidates for this procedure:

  • Pacemaker

  • Pregnancy or breastfeeding

  • Metal implants – Joints, Plates, Screws

  • Open wounds in the treatment area

  • Sensitivity to heat

4. Is NuEra Tight Painful?

The NuEra Tight device is designed for comfort as it uses temperature control technology. During treatment, the device is slowly swept across the area being treated to gradually heat the skin without causing any pain. The treatment feels like a hot stone massage. Most patients describe a warm sensation. There is no downtime, and you can return to your usual routine the same day.

5. Are there Risks to Radio-Frequency Skin Treatments with NuEra Tight?

Radiofrequency works by heating varying depths of dermal tissue. Adverse side effects are uncommon at experienced facilities. Uncommon risks of radio frequency include bruising and blistering of the tissue. The temperature-controlled technology of the NuEra Tight device reduces these risks. We take every precaution to ensure patient comfort and safety during each treatment.

6. How Many Treatments Will I Need to See Results?

NuEra Tight treatments work in concert with the body’s natural functions, which means every person may experience unique results. Generally, improvements begin to occur after just one session. NuEra Tight can be used on many body areas. It is recommended that you have at least six (6) treatments at intervals of seven (7) to fourteen (14) days to achieve the best results. Follow-up treatments are recommended every three to six months, depending on your age and response to treatments.

7. Are Radio-frequency Skin Tightening Results Permanent?

The results of NuEra Tight are not permanent. However, they can be maintained. Progressive results continue up to six months after the last treatment. With occasional touch-ups, sunscreen use, and good skin care, the results of NuEra Tight can last years.

8. What if something goes wrong?

In the rare event of an emergency, please contact us as soon as possible.

Dr. Aurora, Skinovatio-Ravenswood Manor’s Medical Director, will assist further in any of your treatment needs.